Marmotta Alpin hotel is lead sponsor of the Belgian triathlon club Marmotta Alpin Triathlon Tribe (MATT).
Like the hotel, the triathlon team stands for Family, Comfort and Sport, which means that we want to focus on families and develop young people. But we are also open to competitive triathletes and non competitive triathletes. If you are a pro, an amateur, a wannabe champion or just like or to swim, bike and run, you are most welcome. MATT provides basic and advanced training in all disciplines. For young kids we organise swimming lessons.



All trainings are taking place in Leuven, while  summer stages are organised in the hotel in Austria.
For triathletes that want to take part in competitions (for example the Challenge in Geraardsbergen), the club organises tailor made trainings and provides mental support to this great race !
Swim trainings are organised in Leuven 4 times a week at fixed dates on Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday while bike and running trainings are on an ad hoc basis.



Membership options for 2022 are :
  1. Adults (+18) with competition license : 100€ + 65€ for 3 VL license = 165€
  2. Adults (+16) with competition license: 85€ + 30€ for 3 VL license = 115€
  3. Adults (+16) with basic license (non-competition) : 100€ + 15€ for 3 VL license = 115€
  4. Kids (-16) with kids license : 85€ + 15€ for 3 VL license = 100€
The license includes a sports insurance coverage. For the competition license a medical screening is required.
If you are interested to join our team, please fill in this document and send it back by email.


Contact can be taken via email  or via our Facebook page


Our main sponsors are
Our nutrition sponsor is  6Dnutrition